Celebrities, musicians, dancers, incl. Grammy & ARIA winners and organisations photographed by Ibis Music Photography include:
19-twenty, 2 of Us, 2.Za.Crowd, 4EB Brisbane Ethnic Community Radio, Aaron Jansz, Aaron Pollock, Aaron West, Abbey Skye, Abu Muir, Aboriginal Centre For The Performing Arts (ACPA), Aboriginal Incursions (Koomurri), A Bridge In September, Accomplice Collective, Adam Harpaz, Adele Hadgraft, Adrian Burragubba, Aerborn (Ebony Saunders), Aime Mentoring, Aislinn Sharp, Aleathea Monsour, Alexander William, Alex Crook, Alex Gibson, Alex O'Meally, Alex Sologon, Ali & Khai, Alice Benfer, Alisha Todd (geniieboy), Alistair Hill, All Organs Australia, Ally & Sarah, Alma Salero, Alvin (Babash), Alys Ffion, Aly Smallcombe, Amber Castle, Amber In The Middle, Amber Jesse, Amber Lawrence, Amber Rose, Amber Stone, Amy and Ant, Amy Varley, Andrea Kirwin, Andrea Vocaturo, Andrew Shaw Quartet, Andy Martin, Andy Paine, Angela Fabian, Angie Heart (Frente!), Anna & Jordan, Annabelle Stevenson, Annalese Koch, Anna Smyrk, Annie & Bern, Ann Vriend, Anthologys Band (Mirasol), Anthony Forrest, Anthony Garcia, Antonia Breen, Aquila Sunrise, Aquila Young, Ara Williamson, Arkism, Arrested Development, Ash Constance (The Mighty Kind), Asleep At The Wheel, As You Are, Ateisha Clifford Rollason, Aubergine Sounds, August River Band, Australian Greens, Australian Labor Party, Avaberée, Aya J, Avalon Swing, Ayla (Forrest Run), BAM Acoustic Duo (Blake Durant), Backsliders, Bad Sext, Baker Boys, Balairi, Bandito Folk, Band Of Frequencies, BANG (Eat Street Drummers), Bart Stenhouse, Bart Thrupp, Bean Magazine, Bearfoot, Beatnik Records Broadbeach, Bec Laughton, Bec Muino (Sugar Game), Bec Whitehead, Beddy Rays, Belephwants, Belligerent Goat, Ben Barker, Benno Rogers, Benny Nelson, Benoit Cren, Bernice Peeauakeau, Bernie Carson, Beryl Su, Bethan Ellsmore, Beyond The Pines, Bhangra Dance, Big Dead, Bigsound, Bimbi Du, Bird Music Duo, Blonde On Blonde, Blues Arcadia, Blue Persuasion, Blues On Broadbeach, Bob Evans (Kevin Mitchell / Jebediah), Bolivia Marka, Bo'Ness Brothers, Bonnie Kellett, Box Falcon, Bracken Ridge Tavern, Brad Butcher, Bradley McCaw, Brad Palmer, Brendan The Bard, Brewin' The Blues, Briana Dinsdale, Brijette Tubb, Bring A Plate, BrisAsia, Brisbane Academy of Dance, Brisbane City Gospel Choir, Brisbane City Markets, Brisbane Festival, Brisbane Municipal Concert Band, Brisbane Pride Choir, Brisbane Ukulele, Music Society (BUMS), Briskey, Busby Marou, Bustamento (Nicky Bomba), Butters Jam, Caboolture Urban Country Music Festival, Cachicomo Latin Harp, Cadence, Cainan Russell, Caitlyn Shadbolt, Camerata, Cameron Alexander, Cameron De La Vega, Cameron Maher, Cameron Milford, Candice Bliss, Caroline Hammond, Cascadeer, Casey Fogg, Cassidy Rae, Cassie Godbold, CC & The Cat, Celestino, Catherine Gunther, Caxton Street Jazz Band, Chang Po Ching, Charlie Woods (GoGoGoGo), Chandler Jay, Charlotte McLean, Charlotte Nebauer, Cheap Fakes, Chelsea Basham, Cherry Divine, Chris Ah Gee, Chukale, Chloe Behrens, Chloe Marks, Chloe Styler, Chloe Tara (Winter Of Reason), Chloe Terare, Choral Connection, Chris Palmer, Christian Patey, Cinnamon Sun, Circus Ipswich, Clare Quinn, Clea, Coisa Linda, Cloud Tangle, Colleen South, Con & The Liar, Convenience Store, Cooly Rocks On, Cub Scouts, Cumbia Sound Machine, CW Stoneking, Daf Gosme, Damon Joel, Dan Acfield, Dana Hassall, Dan Challis, Dancing Water, Dan Ford Trio, Dan Horne, Daniel Friel (Maple), Danny Doon, Darren Jack, Darren Middleton (Powderfinger), Daryl James, Dave Power, Dave Hynes, David Schaak, Day Of Embers, Dazey, De Caff Duo, Deena (Jaguar Jonze), Death By Carrot, De Caff Duo (Dennis & Yvonne), Deline Briscoe, Demi Casha, Dennis Comino, Denvah, Diamonds And The Blues, Diddly Squat, Diddy Reyes, Diesel, Diez Cuerdas, Dirty Seas, DJ Niko, Dorah Jacson, dot GIF, Dozzi, Dubarray, Drew Wilson, Dublin Rose, Dylan Katanak, Eat City, Eat Street Northshore, Eev Ferreira, Eddie Gazani, Eleea, Electro Swiigerty, Eli (Dooner), Ella Hooper (Killing Heidi), Ella Jones, Ellen Reed, Elroy Croyden, Emma Bosworth, Emma Jordyn, Emmanuellé, Emmy (The Cutaways), Eric Bibb, Esther Hunter, ETU Pipe Band, Eurogliders, Ewan McKenzie, Express Male, Fareedah Aleem (Arrested Development), Felicity Lawless, Fernando Aragones (Animal Ventura), Fieu, Finabah, Flag Duty, Flangipanis, Florid.And.Sorry, Fiona Boyes, Fomi (Karelia Moloney), Four Brazil, Frank And Louis, Fraser Bell, Fraser Stott, Franz James, Fresco Kyoto, Freya Josephine, Fuschie, Gling, Hollick, Gabriella Cohen, Gabrielle Emery, Ganggajang, Gathering QSM, GeedUp Music, Genevieve Walden, Georgia Hoareau, Georgia Mae, Georgia Renee Pitts, Gerson Hodaj, Girl Friday, Glenn Minto, Gling, Golden Sounds (Peter Golikov), Gone Molly, Grace Miller, Greshka, Groove Elation, Grupo Tierra De La Cumbia, Gypsy Rumble, Hannah Acfield, Hannah Jones (Hannah J Music), Hannah Jonstone, Hannah Rosa, Hannah Sands, Hannaka Johnson, Harley Meszaros, Harrison Storm, Harry Kidd, Harry Phillips, Harvey Blues, Hatchie, Hayden Hack, Hayley Grace Sales, Hayley Maybury, Hayley Vernon, Hayza, Helen Ashworth, Hemi Kingi, Henry Wilkinson, Hidden Lanes Festival, Holy Holy, Holy Moses, Honey Dukes, Hoy, Hussy Hicks, Ichabod's Crane, Hussy Hicks, Imogen Dean, Indonesian Catholic Poco Poco Dancers, Inversion Vocal Group, Irena Lysiuk, Jack Carty, Jackson King, Jacob Laube, Jacob Vincent, Jade Holland, Jake Hill, Jake Whittacker, James Blundell, Jan Preston, Jason McGregor, Jaybird Byrne, Jazzella Coogan, Jem Cassar-Daley, Jess & Dizzy, Jing Yuan, JMI Jazz, Jodie Sanderson (Evangie), Joe Fallon, Joel Wiggins, Joe Man Murphy, Johanna Field, John Corowa, Jon Stevens (Noiseworks, INXS), Jordy Marcs, Jose Vides, Josh Batka, Josh Crawford, Josh Lovegrove, Josh Maier, Joshua Hatcher, JSQZE, Julian James And The Moonlight State, Julian Scharf, Jumping Fences, June Low, Juniper Stone, Junkadelic, Juzzi Smith, Kaos V Control, Karrie Hayward, Katanak, Kate Bradley, Kate Cebrano, Kate Heart, Kate Martin, Kate Miller-Heidke, Kate Vigo, Katia Demeester, Katie Green, Katie Noonan, Kaycee Morgan, kee.ahn, Kelly Brouhaha, Kelsey Berrington, Kelsey Giarolla, Kimberley Bowden, Kirsty James, Kodey Brims, Kye Cole, Lachie Meyers, Lackadasies, Lacy Lyne, Lady Fox, La Stellas, Laura Frank, Lawson Gallagher (Port Royal, Sunflower), Laura Street Festival, Leanne Tennant, Lecia Louise, Levi & Dad, Lil B N Brooksy, Lion Dance Events LTL Group, Little Georgia, Little Quirks, Liz Young (Lizzieland), Lontano, Loren Kate, Lottie McLeod, Love Hate Rebellion, Luate, Luke Kennedy, Luke O'Shea, Luke Vassella, Lulu Divine, Luna Junction, Lydia Fairhall, Madeleine Keinonen (Dumb Things, Renovator's Delight), Madeleine Paige, Maisy Taylor, Mandi Geary, Mango Matic, Manhattan Suede, Maple Glider, Mardy Wilson, Mark McGurgan, Mary-Helen Buchanan, Mary Lenz, Mars Sahara, Maske electric string Trio (Suzie Gregory), Mat Stokes, Matt Graham, Matthew Armitage, Matt Sorensen, Max James Anderson, Medics, Melissa Fraser, Meg Ripps, Melissa Western, Mel Lathouras, Mellissa Baker, Melody Moko, Menajerie, Michael David, Michelle Xen, Middle Name Band, Mike Beale, Milton Arandia, Milton Walit, Mimi & The Cats, Miners, Minnie Marks, Miramar Middle Eastern Dance, Middle Rage, Mimi & The Cats, Minnie Marks, Missy And The Bad Reputations, Mode Atlanta, Mofo Is Dead, Mojo Jacket, mon.d.green (Harmonie Larsen), Monica Adair, Monsters Up North, Mop and the Dropouts, Morgan Batch, Multitude Community Choir, Murphy's Pigs, Nadia Sune, Naomi Price, Nat and Ki, Natasha Rose, Neighbourhood Jam Band (Aristotle Safralidis), Neocatechumenal Way, Nerida Currey, New Age Notion, Nick Laracy, Nick Marks, Nightillion, Nonsemble, No Way Jose, Nut Thief, Octofunk, Ofa Fanaika, Oh Bailey, Oliver Keys, Open Season Band, Opera QLD, Orchestra Percussiva de Forro, Orlando Furious, Ovidio Orellana, Owen Campbell, Pandora's Karavan, Pat Tierney, Peaches And The Alphasonics, Pelican Moon, Pending? Pepper Jane, Peta Evans-Taylor, Pete Cullen & The Hurt, Phil Monsour, Phonocurves, Pineapple Palace, Pine Mountain Cartel, Pirate Brides, Pirra, Pistola Avenue, Pocket Love, Port Royal, Pretty In Pink (PIP), Pub Choir (Astrid Jorgensen), QSC LLC, Qube Effect, QLD Wind & Brass, Quartz Quartet Brisbane, Qube Effect, Queensland Medical Jazz (QMJ), Queensland Show Choir, Queensland Symphony Orchestra (QSO), Quintessential Doll, Rachel Everett-Jones, Radar Rock, Radioeceans, Rae Leigh, Rebecca Cassidy, Rebecca Llloyd, Redland Rhapsody Chorus, Red Tie Band, Regurgitator, Revelation Big Band, Revelation Groove, Rhys Lee, Ricardo Bona, Riff Raff Radical Marching Band, Rivercity, Roving (House) Conspiracy, Rio Rhythmics, Robbie Bostock, Robby Fry, Robby Thompson, Roberto Fontana, Rochelle Pitt, Rogue Elements (Bill Jacobi), Rosa Negra, Rose Rogers, Route 33, Roz Pappalardo, Rudy Matoy, Rumours The Australian Fleetwood Mac Experience, Rumba Fuego, Russell Grey Bishop, Russell Hung, Ryan Nak, Sacred Hearts, Sahara Beck, Saikat Bhattacharya, Sallie Campbell, Samba Vibes, Sami Cooke, Sam Maddison, Samon & The Peaches, Sam Taylor, Sandra Londoño, Sandro Abate, San Meil, Sarah Collyer, Sarah Meharg, SBS, Scott Douglas, Scott Walter, Shane Fell, Saccharo, Selve, Shane Fell, Shelley Davies, Shelly Miller Kerwin (Just Be), Sheppard, Sid Whitely (Anthony Forrest), Silk N Oak, Simpatico String Quartet, Skipping Girl Vinegar, Seiko Wong, Siska River, Slim Jim, Slips & The F.W's, Slow Cooker, Smoking Martha, Sofia Cirino, Solange Lipcin, Som De Calcada, Something For Kate, Sophie Mengel, Soul Collective, Soul Cutz, Soul Song Choir, South Brisbane Federal Band, SouthEast Queensland Symphonic Winds, Spaced And Ages, Spray The Wall, STAC, Stella Donnelly, Steve Grady, Steve Newcomb, Straight Girls, Stylin Up, Sue Ray, Sunburys, Superfry'd, Susanna O'Leary, Sweater Curse, Sweet Thunder Jazz, Swing Patrol, Sycco, Tailor Birds, Taleena Peck, Taneisha Swan, Tané-Rua, Tanya Self, Tara Graham, Tartan Shamrock, Taylor Moss, Taylor Wilton, The 2 Johnnies, The Acfields, The Amadeus Orchestra, The Ancient Bloods, The Audreys, The Australian Voices, The Beamish Brothers, The Boaties, The Bowery Hot 5, The Butter, The Catchment, The Crackup Sisters, The Day After Band, The Delivery, The Dog Trackers, The Famous Jimmies, The Fire, The Gathering, The Ginclub, The Heart Collectors, The Jacks, The Kid Of The Mountain, The Mangroves, The Mojo Corner, The Moonsets, The New Black Band, The Night Shift, The Nymphs, The Oztones, The Pacific Belles, The People People, The Pints, The Rooftop Cats, The Seven Ups, The Switch, The Tiger And Me, The Tony Q Band, The Trespassers, The Urban Sea, The View From Madeleine's Couch, The Wayward Sons, The Wet Whistles, Tia & Jack, Tiana Khasi, Tia-Shonté Southwood, tibet2timbuk2, Tiffany Rae, TLC Events Co, Toby Mobbs, Tom Agius (tombat wombatom), Tom Lee-Richards, Tommy Memphis, Toni Janke, Toni Yerbury (EMQ Band), Torn Thorn, Tyne Six String, The Wayward Suns, Tones And I, Tinks, Tony Dee, TradStation, Tribal Experiences, Troy Cassar-Daley, Tully & Liza-Jane, Tyrone Noonan, Unregistered Master Builder (Joseph Burgess), UQ Chamber Singers, Urban Country Music Festival Caboolture, Vaguefun, Vanesa Amorosi, Van Larkins, Vegas Rayz, Vere Vide, Vertigo, Vic Kena, Victoria Edwards, Virginia Sook, Vixens Of The Fall, Wayward Angels, Wes Carr, West Texas Crude, Whoopee-Do Crew, Will Day, Works In Progress, Wreck Age, Yenenesh Nigusse, Yasmina Despot, Yas Queen, Yatra, Zac Gunthorpe, Yulu Buri Dance Group, Zac Gunthorpe, Zambabem, Zaynab Wilson, Zed Charles, Zeek Power, Zen Zen Zo, Zoe Gelzinnis, Zoe Middleton, Zoe Quinn, Zom Kolbe Kolbe, Zvonksy...(many more)